Beginning with scraps from the morgue....

Bloody good folks! Always ready for a good time!
I started out on the cheap by touching up, repainting and
basing prepainted plastics from D&D, Horrorclix and
anything I found laying around the mortuar--uh
I mean basement. This worked well to get me quickly
started with at least ten figs with a few hours work.
One of the keys for me was that I needed to be able
to crank out the zeds quickly and still have
them look good. Historically I have never
painted more than one zombie the same way.
I decided that this is a good thing!
Dead people need their identity as well!

Somehow they managed to
survive this far into
the zombie apocalypse.

Figs are Superfigs-cheerleader painted in my school colors ahem, the tough guy is a heroclix fig and the dark skinned girl is a Power Rangers plastic fig, found at a flea market by Momzomb. The reddish haired girl is an X-men Boomer fig converted to have modern normal attire. The only sculpting is the roll ups on her jeans. The rest was cutting off the super hero gear. They are just the newest of my survivors.
I have been collecting Hasslefree, Superfigs, Megaminis and others for years. Now I have something to do with them!


  1. Rog, I recognise the dark skinned girl to the left of the picture and I can tell you that she is Kimberley from the Power Rangers. To my shame I bought all of the 28mm scale plastic Power Ranger figures. I can't remember who made them. Hey, what can I say? I just wanted the civilian types, ahem, right!

    1. I need these 25 mm Power Rangers!!

      SGR in AZ

    2. Micro Machines included these. Took about 45 minutes to locate on Ebay after BoardgameGeek and Google Image Search

      SGR in AZ

  2. Incredible! My mom founder her for me. I thought she may have been a RR fig. Thanks for the info. Well to my shame I wish they were still available, LOL!

  3. Thanks slobberblood. I wanted to have more posted by now but I'm prepping a big clearance for ebay. Need to get more zeds ready anyway :)


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