Versus II

Another selection of adversaries this week.
The heroes some I painted many many years ago,
you may recognize the second figure...
Zeds, a priest witha  wooden cross thru his chest,
the iconic Zombiesmith, a waitress who would
rather serve herself and two more Zombiesmith
favorites, at least the one of the end.
Still no time to paint my zeds as I rebuild my
business and life. I did get in the mail the new
Wargames Factory Zombie Vixens, they look
suhweet! I can't wait to dig into them, well
I guess they would like to dig into me as well.
To Bryan and all you other zed freaks, keep
the flame burning, you're keeping me
inspied to come back :)


  1. These look pretty good! AGAIN! I really like the survivor to the far right for some odd reason....

    The vixens have arrived here as well, but I have been too busy to do anything more than examine the bits. They do have a lot of potential!

    1. That figure on the far right if you mean the humans is a Shadowforge SF fig. I have a few and really like them.

  2. Really nice work on the leathers on that first hero fig on the far left. The stark highlighting really sells it ... although I guess it could be latex or PVC and not leather, either way, she rocks! Thanks for sharing these. You're an inspiration too.

    1. I did her a long time ago so I think I was trying for latex. Leather doesnt usually have that intense white highlight. Been trying to get it right for years.
      Thank you Chris, you guys inspire me too :)

  3. I'll go with Christopher and say that the survivor in the pvc/latex/leather is excellent, but good paintjobs all round too.

    1. Thank you Zabadak. BTW I was using a tan skin that people really liked, maybe I need to revisit, it. A really warm, pleasant color...

  4. Fantastic work mate, Gotta love classic Copplestone FW mini's. Nice zeds mate

    1. Thanks brother. Copplestones figs are so good. I didnt even have a game for these when I painted them. They make good survivor Alice types though.

  5. A fantastic set of figures painted to your usual very high standard. I'm glad to hear that you find my work inspiring. That gives me a happy glow. Your own work is inspiring, too.

    1. Thank you my friend. I wish I had time to do some new work. I'm trying to keep up with buying the new stuff but the pile is getting huge!


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