More Ziggies!

Not much time this week so I'll let the zeds speak for themselves.
If anyone would be kind enough to call out what they are
I would appreciate it. Sorry about being short winded, but
I'm dealing with a full sized crisis, not 30mm :) Cheers!


  1. They look great, but I am at a loss as to where they are from.....

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  3. great job, i love the guy with the gas mask

  4. The zombie at the far left is Drew the Zombie from Musketeer Miniatures. Next to him is a bulky zombie from Four A Miniatures. Unfortunately, I don't recognise the other three, but they all seem very similar so I'd guess they're from the same manufacturer. Nicely painted bunch, Roger.

  5. They are from one of the WWII lines. I bought them in a real store believe it or not. Several of the packs did not have a lot of WWII identifiers on them so I bought them. They are nice.

    Thanks for the kind words guys. BTW a tip, the light grey I drybrush the skin with I used to highlight some of the clothes. It didnt look particularly gray and made a nice highlight. Zombies are fun to fool around with :)

  6. Here they are Grind-house Sturmzombies

  7. The first time I've seen Incursion Zombies painted up in modern way and it looks awesome!! Well done sir!

  8. Holy crap! I've got those Incursion zombies and I didn't recognise them! As Adam said, it's the first time I've seen them painted up as civilians. Very clever and very effective!

  9. Thanks Bryan. I am trying to find uses for every zombie or conversion I can. I intend to start modifying modern civilian figs as zombies. I am thinking that superfigs civilians would be good for converting. I have some but need two more packs.


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